The Human Experience of Peace

The inner Eye, seen upon deeply closing the physical eyes, is the center of awareness, the Creator and the Destroyer, the One who honors All. The Eye has shown me the creative reality of ego versus perception.

My joy is being human. My journey is the discovery of our human role in existence. We are the physical experiencers of All. We must study our feelings – our emotions are our mystery and our key.

As modern humans, we’ve limited our validation to this thing called science; this word itself is now in question. We can turn to the wisdom of our ancestors: Wisdom from experience of existence, encompassing aspects of reality immeasurable through chemistry and mathematics. We may attempt to parse this out and call it religion, but this has caused only warfare and strife. Our commitment to Rules divides us.

Peace is ready to take her throne, but we must be introduced before handing over the power of our egos. Dear Self, peace dwells within you. Peace sits, rests, observes, waits. Your stress blocks you from perceiving that peace is always available. Society blocks you from perceiving that your own free will is the pathway to peace.

Meet peace for yourself in stillness. Know that peace shall never forsake you. Humbly request your ego to step aside, to rest, even briefly, so that you may allow peace to gift you love.

Love is always here, should you choose to receive it. Quiet your mind, open your heart and know that the real you is your sovereign sense of self. Know that the feeling of – the perception of – this self is the one perception we all share. This is consciousness. Give love to that sense of self, and you give love to All. Take this love into your every now. Take this love into your creations. Take this love into your conversations. Recognize this love on Earth and know it is of the Earth, as much as any tree or gust of wind. Our mother Gaia is the greatest Animator of Love, she is the house of God.

No longer can we humans deny our divinity, our true nature as the arms of the earth. All things past are our teachers, and the future is only how we choose to experience our higher selves. This is peace, this is freedom.

Published by Ginny Blankenfeld

I'm a writer and artist fulfilling my Earth mission by seeking to embody my highest self, a self who sees and loves the Oneness that connects us all, and by translating my emotions and epiphanies into artistic expressions that aim to aid others in enjoying their own uniqueness.

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