Reclaiming the Routine

Every month that approaches feels more important than the one that has passed. In December I will take advantage of this by doing more things more often that I would like to be long-term routines, instead of saving my desired changes for New Year’s Resolutions. But, I’m going to reclaim the word “routine” to let go of the ordinary, predictable and mundanely repetitive connotation, instead replacing it with a more resonant definition, emphasizing that these routines are in effect the “route in”: the actions that aid me along my journey inward to my soul self.

The actions I speak of have been neglected in the recent past, but they are ones I long to center my life around. These are actions that aid me in respecting my own sovereignty, proving to myself that I am the creator of my own experience and can blame no outside force for my perceived lack. In fact, I challenge that lack is non-existent. It is always aligned to the past, and new choices with new outcomes are continually possible.

This time last year, the closing of the year led many to express their disdain for recent experiences, insulting the year itself. May we exit 2021 with the grace to thank it sincerely for its service. To unload pent-up emotions onto an energy such as a past year is to allow for only a temporary release, and one that is easily transferred to the self in the form of victimhood or regret. Change that begins within is the only forward option if improvement is truly desired.

Joy must be the ever-sought experience, the focus and center guiding every decision. The yes-or-no question made famous by Marie Kondo can be applied at every turn. Joy is not only attainable, it can persist. It’s the harbinger of love. Hand-in-hand, joy and love not only cap off the year’s end through holiday celebrations, but they launch us into new territory and prepare us for the surprises to come.

If we can hold our full hearts up as mirrors to show us our place in the collective, we will face the new year strong and determined to rise to our greatest potential.

Published by Ginny Blankenfeld

I'm a writer and artist fulfilling my Earth mission by seeking to embody my highest self, a self who sees and loves the Oneness that connects us all, and by translating my emotions and epiphanies into artistic expressions that aim to aid others in enjoying their own uniqueness.

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