My Story

I AM Crystal Spirited.

  • I AM Ginny Blankenfeld
  • I AM in Sacramento, California
  • I AM Pisces (sun) Taurus (moon) Leo (rising)
  • I AM a 3/5 Emotional Projector
  • I AM open to receiving invitations in support of my expansion and purpose

My river of life has forged through many cities and relationships, but what remains constant is my devotion to bettering myself through creative self-expression. As a child, I dreamed of writing a masterpiece for the ages, and today I’m still motivated by this dream, knowing that my journey of awakening is my true gift to humanity.

I have a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Auburn University, a certificate in publishing from New York University, and a lengthy resume spanning newspapers and digital advertising.

I was raised in Tennessee and Alabama as a Christian, but my perspective of religion and spirituality has continually evolved, even through a stint of atheism while I lived in NYC. I honor these crucial steps in my development. But in 2014, my resistance to spiritualism was unable to hold up against a surge of real love in my life, when I met my wife, Amy. Some alchemical combination of destiny, romance and plant medicine revealed to me the light shining under the door to metaphysical mysteries. I stepped inside expecting answers, but what I found was more beautiful than that: It’s infinitely expanding fractals of All, and the echoes of my personal synchronistic butterfly effect of life and light. It’s all the potential expressions of my spirit and self within the layered orbs of existence. It’s Gaia and her ascension. I’m excited to be a part of it, supporting it with my energy and watching it unfold into the birthing of New Earth.

I’m always exploring me, and I invite you to explore you. May you see yourself reflected in the love I share within this space. We are one. We are crystal spirited.