Creating with Presence

I believe I can choose to create any reality I desire through my thoughts and my free will. These are energies of coordination, and creation as we know it occurs when energies come together to form physicality. I am on a journey toward instant manifestation – and a journey it will be because of the density of matter. This density of the third dimensional Earth reality is what allows time to stretch the process of creation into the linear format. In this way, we have the privilege of seeing and appreciating every tiny facet of movement toward the realization of our creations. Savor the small glories and sweeten the outcome. Love every second for its sheer existence, because it comes alive through our perception.

I remember the first time I heard about the concept of being “fully present.” It was actually in church – at a non-denominational church that formed in my neighborhood while I was in high school. I couldn’t tell you anything else from that day – but that single phrase has stuck with me for decades now, and it continues to make more and more sense as time goes on, naturally.

The moment of now illuminates both the past and the future. A moment of awareness shifts a thought or experience into what we call the past. I am continually following my awareness forward through every day of this life, watching the external world around me, in my now moment, exhibiting the total of the sum of the past, trying to remember to infuse intention into thoughts and actions in order to grow into the highest expression of “who I am.” I am a window of wonder, an open channel, awaiting life.

The past doesn’t hold me captive – it’s just something I experienced, like a gust of wind stirring up my soul. I have always been whole – my experiences are mirrors that illuminate my aspects. As I see more of you, I see more of myself. I want to know myself to experience the feeling of wholeness and to inform my choices, all of which are actors of creation.

If I had a portal to instant manifestation, what would I consciously create? My heart is a portal – I definitely feel that. When I create with love, I choose to embody a higher timeline, and thus my higher self. Perhaps that’s the only creation I’m concerned with. For when human focus on faults instead of love, we coddle the illusion of separateness. But oneness doesn’t stifle individuality. If that were so, we would not exist. We are all the eyes of source consciousness, investigating possibilities into infinity, each moment of now being unique and unrepeated.

The secret to being fully present in any moment is wonder. I can examine anything – object, person, scene, idea – and notice things about it to expand its impact. The care and craftsmanship of things, the development and inner beauty of people, the design and effect of a scene in front of me, the history or impetus of an idea.

Wonder -> Appreciation -> Gratitude -> Abundance -> Presence -> Peace

We are layers of consciousness, each one a program of responses to external stimuli that show up in our physical bodies as emotions and expressed into the perceptions of others via our free will. Wonder is the pause between inhale and exhale – the moment of now in which the soul self rises above its programmed consciousnesses to influence the will. It’s where we choose between oneness and separation, love and fear.

Published by Ginny Blankenfeld

I'm a writer and artist fulfilling my Earth mission by seeking to embody my highest self, a self who sees and loves the Oneness that connects us all, and by translating my emotions and epiphanies into artistic expressions that aim to aid others in enjoying their own uniqueness.

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