All is Well

This month of January 2021 is moving a bit more slowly than the months leading to it, and we have been presented with new challenges already. And perhaps, new upgrades.

New answers to old questions: Does anything matter?

And then there are the birds – calling their caws, honks, squawks and tweets. Each one sending a message from Gaia. This morning, it’s “All is well;” yet I ponder: “To be or not to be?”, acknowledging the coexistence of peace and action. To create, and what to create? And how?

Allowing life to flow and trusting my choices. Nothing is wrong – especially if nothing matters – and either way, it’s all a learning experience. And so to keep chasing the next lesson isn’t required, for it will come anyway. And with it, feelings. So much potential in emotion. Energy moving through the body is a gift, and to feel it as receiving is to harness its power to feed into creation. But first, transmute – let the feeling meet neutrality. Let them agree that all is well, then move to the questions of whether to be and what to become. Hold the coming self with reverence, the former self with compassion.

We are in a year of disclosure. There may be closure of nothing, but rather the unrobing of secrets at every level of life. Can we temper our reactions with love?

I awoke from a frightful dream two nights ago, and was reminded to love the darkness. To love it isn’t to create more of it, but to give it space to exist without judgment. To shine light on it from within. And what we can realize is that our light is expanding within, ready and willing to reach out to the darkness until our planet is recognized as not just a reflection of light but a producer.

In what is called unity we will share the awareness that all is well because we choose it to be so. No longer will our emotions drive action through programming. Rather they will inform us of alignment or misalignment with our purpose and joy, allowing us to more easily answer the question of what we next desire to create.

Those who choose to dabble in separation still have time to explore. Their work there is important simply because it is their choice.

Nothing matters because everything matters, and matter itself is only what we choose it to be (or not to be).

Published by Ginny Blankenfeld

I'm a writer and artist fulfilling my Earth mission by seeking to embody my highest self, a self who sees and loves the Oneness that connects us all, and by translating my emotions and epiphanies into artistic expressions that aim to aid others in enjoying their own uniqueness.

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