Freeing Our Beliefs

We are learning to disagree. Not only with each other, but with ourselves.

The collective has beliefs, known as values. The shift we are currently going through is changing our values, and this starts with changing beliefs of individuals.

But we are programmed to stand firm in our beliefs – this in itself is one of our values. Can we acknowledge that some collective beliefs do more harm than good? That we have not consciously chosen these beliefs, but have been manipulated into trusting and upholding them?

There is a concept known and stated that one can only trust oneself. But self trust does require de-conditioning. One must discern what beliefs are self-evident, and which ones are present as a result of programming. This is step number one, going hand-in-hand with taking time to be still and think – for this is when answers arise.

We all know the collective is another level of consciousness. An everyday example is when someone says they love individuals, but hate “people.” What will it take to erase that expression from our program? To eradicate the program that makes people say it?

What if we started to take compassion seriously? Are we really so lazy that we can’t press stop on the program and find love in each moment for every person? It must be hard, but it’s easy. All it really takes is the decision to do it – without being afraid of the consequences.

We’re trained that love is pain, but does it have to be? What if we released ourselves from the judgment of others, knowing that we are free to do so? The more deeply we acknowledge this on an individual level, the more quickly those around us, and ultimately the collective itself, will begin to exhibit this behavior – this freeing behavior.

There is no prison of judgment when you absolutely, unconditionally love yourself. And the way to help free the others is to embrace this. Be the example of self love, which naturally results in love for others, whether you recognize “oneness” or not. Oneness isn’t even the next development, it was the beginning, and love will guide us to the awareness of this oneness that has always existed, teaching us more with every cycle of existence. This is the grandness of awakening. Like a lotus flower opening, we can be that openness and feel the wonder of all things, and from that place of appreciation and gratitude build the future that we have denied ourselves for so long.

Published by Ginny Blankenfeld

I'm a writer and artist fulfilling my Earth mission by seeking to embody my highest self, a self who sees and loves the Oneness that connects us all, and by translating my emotions and epiphanies into artistic expressions that aim to aid others in enjoying their own uniqueness.

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