Thank You, 2020

I really want 2020 to know how much I loved it. It jolts me to see everyone trashing the year. People tend to do this at the close of every year, but this time it’s different. Oh, I’ve been trying to look on the bright side by saying that it means at least everyone has high hopes for 2021 – they keep saying it will be “better.”

But change doesn’t come from having expectations about what the external world will do or be, at least not the kind of change they’re talking about. But it can come from gratitude. Gratitude is an energetic catalyst. There are so many beautiful feelings wrapped up in gratitude – feelings accessible to anyone willing to receive them. In this way gratitude is a gift you give yourself. You make way for love, appreciation, wonder … like a peaceful exhale of relief, gratitude helps us to know that all is well.

Our words and thoughts create our reality. They represent what we choose to bring into our awareness and what we choose to amplify. Let’s come to the collective understanding that this coming year will be what we make of it. And let’s take some accountability for how we speak of the passing year. We created it, too, and to insult it in its death is to not only perpetuate the consciousnesses of shame and ridicule, but it’s also to miss out on a golden opportunity to welcome and begin this new year from a place of love and gratitude. Not relief that it’s “finally over,” but real appreciation and acknowledgement of how our pains bonded us this year. Us being all of humanity.

There are billions of realities coexisting in our 3rd dimensional earth plane, and just as many unique perspectives on the disruption we all felt and experienced in 2020. Some of these perspectives are still in development, but we can all understand that something is shifting. Even if you are calling it “the new normal,” or “the new world order,” the newness is apparent. We’re going to continue experiencing more newness, the only constant reliable in any future. But we needn’t wait around to see what the future will “bring” … we can embody the newness we desire in every present moment – starting now – and we can shed the pains of the past from this new perspective as well.

Thank you, 2020, for holding space for us. Thank you for being our cocoon, for never judging us as we followed the paths of so many stories and potential timelines. Thank you for encouraging us to self-reflect, to breathe and know that we are free; yet reminding us that our dream of unity requires us to share that knowing and act upon it. Thank you for showing us new ways to connect with ourselves and others, and teaching us that we choose our connections, thus creating our own consequences. Thank you for giving us time, and allowing us to choose our understanding of time itself. Thank you for being nothing and everything. Thank you for showing us just how unique and special one year can be, daring us to question our own uniqueness as well.

In parting, 2020, you remind us that the next thing always comes, and we are not defined by our past. Our experience reflects our beliefs, and we have the challenge now to let go of hope that 2021 will be “better” – hope that expects someone else to rescue us from our troubles, and then to embrace love in our every moment as an expanding pathway to any future we want.

Published by Ginny Blankenfeld

I'm a writer and artist fulfilling my Earth mission by seeking to embody my highest self, a self who sees and loves the Oneness that connects us all, and by translating my emotions and epiphanies into artistic expressions that aim to aid others in enjoying their own uniqueness.

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