What is the Universe? Part 2

What do we mean when we say something is a sign from “the universe”? What or who is trying to communicate with us? Why can we more readily accept the notion of a sign than a direct personal communication?

It’s easy to picture the universe as a vast expanse of darkness in outer space, and perhaps we feel comfort from the vaguely conscious idea that random spacial energies are working in our favor. But if we call it communication, we are admitting that unseen entities exist, and what a taboo. Are we talking about ghosts? Well, at least we know ghosts. They were our family members; they were human once, and relatively recently. Are we talking about God? What a can of worms “he” is! Clearly, we must ease our way into the idea that “someone” is there – watching – even if that watcher is helping.

Our spirit guides (including those we affectionately call ghosts) can and do use synchronicities to help us discern their existence. How can this be? How can a ghost coordinate a coincidence? These non-human beings have simply mastered the highest power of manifestation – the instant, tangible arrival of an intention. While each spirit guide will have its own story of origin, they are essentially our higher selves – the other-dimensional versions of us, right here on earth – showing us the creative power of our own thoughts. Confirmation of our connection to the high-vibrational wavelength of our right next step.

We can increase the volume of synchronicities in our awareness. Oracle cards are a gentle way of introducing these intentionally. I have found that pulling cards very often produces extremely literal results. For example, a woman I read cards for was moving from a rainy city to a sunny state, and the cards that showed up were Fog and Sun. Another woman was debating whether the spirits of an old building would approve of her painting a red door. The card that showed up featured a red door.

Human bodies are receivers – constantly receiving information, whether we realize it or not. One way we receive hidden information is via the air that we breathe, and we then transmit it to others via the air we breathe together. Some refer to the limitless information stored in the air (light and vibration) around us as the akashic records. In this way, the universe is an infinite storehouse of information that is bouncing around as colorful resonance, moving in and out of our bodies every moment. But you have to be listening to hear it. Those who call themselves channelers are just actively listening to the information that is coming through, but we all have the ability to “tune in” to information that we typically ignore in our conditioned state of being.

Create moments of listening. This listening is not only hearing sound as we know it – it’s observation of everything, it’s activating your innate openness to receive. Observe your body, observe nature, observe silence. We can call this meditation, but everyone can create their own experience of it. You’ll get much the same effect from lying in a nice bath or a float tank, or taking a solo walk in nature. We’re highly conditioned to go-go-go, but we distance ourselves from the source of our existence – the source of love, joy and the fulfillment of our deepest desires – dare I say, God – if we don’t take time to honor our connection to the universe, which is nothing but the mechanics of connection itself.

Published by Ginny Blankenfeld

I'm a writer and artist fulfilling my Earth mission by seeking to embody my highest self, a self who sees and loves the Oneness that connects us all, and by translating my emotions and epiphanies into artistic expressions that aim to aid others in enjoying their own uniqueness.

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