The Solstice Portal and Our Future

Everything I am hearing in the spiritual and metaphysical community lately has said that December 2020 will be the greatest month ever. I’ve resolved to do my part to make that happen. There is so much to do – and yet so little.

This month will give birth to the new year. We must decide how we want this year to go. How do I want to feel? Creative, free … live and let live. Sunshine, water, fresh air, connection to the planet. Lots of writing, meditation, nature walks. People relaxed. People enjoying each other, understanding that “other” is a construct – one we are outgrowing.

It’s easy to see why the awakening is a slow process. It’s so simple, yet so new that it feels complex. Everyone is so worked up over their own problems – many self-made and therefore full of attachments – that it’s hard to let go and just breathe and accept.

“Radical acceptance” is trending. It’s not the ultimate knowledge, but it’s a huge first step. We think of acceptance as just coming to terms with reality, taking what’s in your reality and understanding that no amount of resistance will make your problems go away. In fact, look at the language we are using here. To accept is to receive. What we really are getting to in this first step is acknowledging that our problems are our own, that we hold them in our hands, minds and hearts as gifts that we have given to ourselves.

We present ourselves with challenges for the purpose of learning. This is why we all chose to be on Earth – a lesson everyone will soon realize as well. It’s actually the perfect next step for the average human beginning this path. We all acknowledge as a given that we have souls. People may define this differently, but you would be hard pressed to find a human who wouldn’t admit to believing on some level that they have a soul. They may even admit to not understanding what it is or how it works, but we all know in our hearts that our emotions – particularly the strongest emotions of joy and hurt – connect us to our souls. (This is one reason atheism doesn’t have a leg to stand on – without a soul, who is it exactly that has hurt feelings?)

Animals and even insects experience emotions – I have seen fear in a bug, but have I seen love? Yes! Those feelings are bigger than the bug itself, and they represent its multidimensionality. Our emotional responses to situations show us our own dimensions. They show us whether we have our light on, or if we have a blockage preventing the light from moving through us. And what we will begin learning now and in 2021, is how to create new ways to solve problems by finding new ways to see them, new perspectives, other perspectives, new truths coming into light.

To have a problem is to be pro-blemish. None of us desire blemishes – we want freedom from these, and what we’ll find is that freedom itself is the solution to our problems. Freedom from the Control that has been embedded in our existence. Can we decide as a collective that we will no longer allow ourselves to be Controlled? Can we give ourselves the gift of Freedom this Christmas? Can we step back from our attachments to “normal” and investigate ourselves into a new reality?

As the sun rises, I declare YES. We will find the doorway to this new reality right in our own beingness. All you have to do to participate is stop for a few moments and feel your own breath. With every inhale you can welcome light and calm into your body, and with every exhale you can share that light and calm with others, even without saying a word.

We have all the time we need to spread the word … to spread the love. Love going viral – imagine that! We can smother this bully with kindness, this consciousness of Control will break.

Our planet has let us know that she will take back her sovereignty one way or another … we can choose to be here to support her by actively loving and supporting ourselves, or we can move on to our next experience outside of this lifetime.

The present moment is everything. The past and future don’t even exist. But they are affected by our perception of them – our perception creates them! Let’s use the intense energy of this now month to be the love we want to see, and the portals we go through together will magnify our intentions so they will resonate far into the coming years. Let’s bang this gong of love and know through our choice that it vibrates all around us and in our hearts, reverberating deeply. May we all choose to witness it.

Published by Ginny Blankenfeld

I'm a writer and artist fulfilling my Earth mission by seeking to embody my highest self, a self who sees and loves the Oneness that connects us all, and by translating my emotions and epiphanies into artistic expressions that aim to aid others in enjoying their own uniqueness.

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