Self Disclosure

I have a recurring dream about my voice being muzzled as I’m being attacked by dark entities. I try to scream, but I physically can’t get the words out. It’s as if all my movements are stifled; I’m paralyzed. This morning it was happening, and I had begun to yell something about exiling the negative entities. I try to banish them, but they are too powerful.

I am all the entities in my dream. No one is attacking; I am stifling my own voice, and under the weight of my thoughts I cannot communicate my truth. I must express them! There are a few things I am called to do in this life, and writing down my inspired thoughts is one of them. (Many of these are recorded on this blog and the adjacent Instagram @crystalspirited)

Today, I am called to make available information that I believe to be true of the grand scale of the world. We are in times of preparation toward full disclosure, to all humanity, of our true reality and purpose on Earth.

There is much debate on this, and perhaps it is because we know there is a truth. Not just my truth, your truth, someone else’s truth, but a truth that is shared by all humanity. It’s about creation, from the level of the Big Bang to the light you now see before you, and whatever comes next. It’s all here with you, and you are my eyes looking at it.

I believe the greatest fundamental truth of existence perceivable to humans is that the humans are all sharing one massive consciousness. The levels of conscious awareness can increase or decrease within one person and groups or “collectives.”

But how can this information be received by, processed by, and used for benefit by the average person? Do we all need to meditate simultaneously? Maybe! But to get us all ready to understand the full consequences of the fact that “we are all God, together,” we must be the most loving, compassionate, forgiving versions of ourselves that we can barely even imagine at this point in 2024.

People are beginning to {awaken} see aspects of this stemming through issues like racism, human trafficking, domestic violence. There is much more to all of these issues than meets the average {I} eye.

Consider that the word CONSCIOUSNESS can be taken to embody what is known as an egregore: The living being created by a collective PERCEPTION. Therefore fear and love and anger and envy and joy are all CONSCIOUSNESSES that we PERCEIVE within ourselves and others.

We can therefore understand that we, each human, has a unique RELATIONSHIP with these different consciousnesses. They are ANCESTORS to us and our current perceptions. They have therefore lived over time and collected (in linear and non-linear fashion) our experiences, interpretations, permutations, creations, mutations, derivatives and collaborations with them. Each overseeing the timelines of the overarching events and the effects of them over said time. They have been working not randomly and not selfishly, but rather in cycles and patterns, with purpose. This purpose is only in completing the patterns of sacred geometry that they follow via the light of our perceptions.

Light isn’t just seen by your eyes, it is created BY YOU. If you want to create more light, you will and you must view darkness. By viewing the darkness you bring it light, and thus it can be transformed through quantum physics into energy of a more positive kind. Therefore to eradicate what we perceive as EVIL, we must first gaze upon it together, recognize how we have created it together, and choose with the magical power of FREE WILL (that we also share) to make decisions that support the replacement of darkness with light.

Darkness cannot be driven underground for eternity, rather the cycle of light transformation continues. And when we have DISCLOSED all of the perceived evils, we can begin again, anew, afresh. This process will be symbolized to us in the physical form of solar flashes and flares, on both large and small scales. Science is a trial-by-error process with disagreements on predictablility of anything this massive, but we can only look into our hearts to begin this evolutionary step for ourselves.

My light contributes to all light.

My love contributes to all love.

My disclosure contributes to full disclosure.

I have hereby disclosed to you things which you may judge, intended for the transmutation of {anger/disbelief/shock} within you into {delight/fellowship/wonder}.

I hereby pledge to remain vigilant in my journey of SELF DISCLOSURE on behalf of humanity. AMEN

Published by Ginny Blankenfeld

I'm a writer and artist fulfilling my Earth mission by seeking to embody my highest self, a self who sees and loves the Oneness that connects us all, and by translating my emotions and epiphanies into artistic expressions that aim to aid others in enjoying their own uniqueness.

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