Is Time an Illusion?

Is time meaningless? It’s often said that time is an illusion, but how can this concept move from knowledge to understanding, and ultimately to wisdom?

Time is the movement of awareness during the never-ending process of change. It’s the ingrained act of surrender to the flow of physical reality. We have clocks; we grow old. We have deadlines and appointments. Time has been inescapable in this human form, relentless, to my chagrin. Our lessons on Earth include patience, but isn’t that just a challenge to shift your perspective of time?

The 3D world uses time to organize action. It provides order to not only our interactions with others, but also to our maintenance of these human bodies. The circular clock tracks the movement of the sun, the amount of light and darkness we perceive based on our physical location on the globe. The summer solstice is the peak of light, and every year comes with a bit of sadness for the ensuing diminished daylight.

If the prophecy of three days of darkness occurs in the coming years, we will each personally begin to question time, if we haven’t already. We’ll be forced into the surreal; I already feel giddy with delight at the novelty of this concept. My daily motivation is the excitement of living in this time – the excitement of experiencing the expansion of the collective consciousness to include the cosmic aspects of our past and future, and therefore our cosmic present.

When our souls chose to incarnate on this planet, we chose to shield ourselves from the knowledge of life outside our personal understanding of humanness. We knew that linear time would give us the opportunity to generate a metaphysical big bang. The pressure is building – the energy is collecting. Time is illusory because it requires a beginning and end. It’s like asking for the beginning of numbers: You think you have it at 1, until you learn about negative numbers – the dark side of math! The balance of infinity is that there is a center. There is a zero point, which is the polarity of all things in every direction. Reach your zero point, reach your limitlessness.

Knowledge of your limitlessness allows you to make conscious decisions by asking yourself: What version of myself do I want to embody in this moment?

You can find the ability to shift your experience of your now moment by deciding to embody the highest version of yourself that you can access. How high you’re able to go is limited only by your beliefs. The more sunrises you can count within your physical past, the more light you’ll be able to shine on your multidimensionality. The more you focus on this goal, the more you expand. The more you expand, the more you understand what higher selves are entering your consciousness. The more you desire this as an outcome, the more you are able to perceive that is is already so, the more highly inspired action you will take.

Published by Ginny Blankenfeld

I'm a writer and artist fulfilling my Earth mission by seeking to embody my highest self, a self who sees and loves the Oneness that connects us all, and by translating my emotions and epiphanies into artistic expressions that aim to aid others in enjoying their own uniqueness.

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